medical personal training
'Is medical personal training right for me?'
Do you want to get back in shape but have an old injury that holds you back?
Do you want a personalized training plan, but can't find a personal trainer with the knowledge to guide you and your current medical condition?
At Brown Manual Therapy we offer medical personal training. Your coach has a physiotherapy background and is therefore a movement specialist with knowledge and skills in exercise AND a wide range of medical conditions and (sports)injuries.
We can help you reach your goals when you have any of, but not limited to, the following conditions:
Chronic pain or Fibromyalgia
Diabetes type 1 and 2
Chronic fatigue syndrome or fatigue after chemotherapy
Current and past sport injuries
A prolonged period of inactivity (post-Covid syndrome, cancer, heart disease)
Our Personal training packages are tailormade to fit your needs and goals, based on your physical history and challenges. For more information and prices, just reach out:
Email:, phone + 297 2802014 or WhatsApp +297 7415622